Wednesday, July 11, 2018

What Does An Air Purifier Do

If you’ve been blowing your nose until you resemble Rudolph and your head feels like it is about to explode from your sinus headache, you may be suffering from allergies to the pollutants in your home. Someone has probably mentioned that an air purifier will help you feel better. However, what does an air purifier do?

One of the most important functions of an air purifier is its ability to remove pollutants such as cigarette smoke, dust, pollen, mold, and pet dander from the air. Another reason people use these machines is to remove odors. There are several types of air purifiers and each works a bit differently. These filters in these purifiers include: the ionizer, the HEPA filter, the combination ionizer/HEPA filter, the activated carbon filter, and the antibacterial filter.

The ionizer is one of the most popular air purifiers. Unlike other purifiers, the ionizer does not actually remove pollutants from the house. Instead, this machine makes the pollutants so heavy that they fall from the air and drop to the floor. If you have allergies, you will need to use a vacuum that has a HEPA filter to clean the floors before the room is truly allergen free.

If you don’t want to pull out your vacuum, you may be thinking that you should simply use a HEPA filter instead of an ionizer. HEPA filters suck dirty air in, run it through the filter, where most pollutants are trapped, and then blow the clean air back into the room. However, a HEPA filter can’t clean the smallest particles from the air and isn’t great at removing odors from the room. To get your air really clean, you would need a HEPA filter combined with an ionizer or with an activated carbon filter.

The activated carbon filter used to be extremely popular. This filter is great at getting smells out of the air. However, it doesn’t do as good a job when it is trying to remove pollen, dust, mold, or pet dander. Now, this filter is usually used along with a HEPA filter instead of being used by itself.

Finally, for people concerned with bacteria or germs, an antibacterial filter is an important air purifier. These filters are especially popular in situations such as a home daycare, where people are being exposed to many germs. However, while these filters are very effective at removing germs, they are rarely used on their own. They work best when they are combined with a HEPA filter.
You’ve probably scoffed at the cheesy adverts on TV telling you how taking out a debt consolidation loan can give you financial freedom. However, if you do have debt, a consolidation loan could actually save you money.

So how does a debt consolidation loan work and how can it be beneficial to the millions of people who are paying high interest credit on credit cards, store cards, and bank overdrafts?

Basically, it is a loan where all your existing debts are lumped together and paid off, leaving you with just one debt and with just one monthly repayment.

Many people look to consolidate their debts as – if it is done properly – you are left with lower interest charges and lower monthly payments. This is because you are looking for a consolidation loan which will reduce the amount of interest you are currently being charged.

And by paying lower interest charges, you’ll also be saving money in the short term as well as having one manageable monthly outgoing as opposed to a myriad of monthly demands. Even this in itself can have a physiological benefit – looking at your bank account and seeing just one payment going out every month instead of a hotchpotch of debt, can give you a better perspective when dealing with your finances (and your budget).

To see if a debt consolidation loan could lower your monthly debt repayments, tot up all your existing debts (such as monies outstanding on your credit cards, overdraft, existing loans, store cards etc). Then also make a note of the total amount you need to repay every month to service these debts.

Get several quotes for a loan that would pay off all your credit and compare the monthly repayments against current monthly repayment. This will give you a good idea as to whether a debt consolidation loan could be right for your circumstances.

If you do decide to go ahead and take out a debt consolidation loan, however, be aware that while it can be the answer to your finance nightmares, if you blindly go ahead and consolidate your debts without firstly understanding how you got into debt in the first place, in the long term, you will find yourself in even more financial difficulty.

So, take a realistic look at how you got into debt (eg are you living beyond your means?) and use the exercise as a never-to-be-repeated-again learning experience. And, most importantly, if you are looking to consolidate your debts, you should realise that a consolidation loan does not clear your debt, it simply moves all debts into a simpler repayment vehicle and it is not an excuse to go out and blow the lot!

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